Quest:Warband: Kûr-anchi

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Warband: Kûr-anchi
Level 100
Type Fellowship
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Kûr-anchi
Starts at Pelennor
Start Region Pelennor
Map Ref [66.2S, 12.4W]
Quest Group Old Anórien: Pelennor
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

You have encountered the deadly Kûr-anchi. She walks with thundering steps over the scorched earth of Pelennor Fields.


Kûr-anchi can be found roaming Pelennor Fields. She walks with thundering steps over the scorched earth.

Objective 1

Kûr-anchi can be found patrolling Pelennor Fields.

You have encountered Kûr-anchi and should defeat the beast for the good of the people of Gondor.

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have defeated Kûr-anchi and the beast's warband.

You have slain Kûr-anchi and vanquished a threat to the safety of all that dwell within Minas Tirith.